Function Scripts


Function scripts are invoked via the 'Lua Script' option of Special Functions configuration page.

Companion Special Functions Window
Companion Special Functions Window
Taranis Special Functions Display
Taranis Special Functions Display
Typical uses
  • specialized handling in response to switch position changes
  • customized announcements
  • should not exceed allowed run-time/ number of instructions.
  • all function scripts are stopped while one-time script is running (see Lua One-time scripts)
  • Version 2.1 function scripts DO NOT HAVE ACCESS TO LCD DISPLAY

Place them on SD card in folder /SCRIPTS/FUNCTIONS/

  • script init function is called once when model is loaded
  • script run function is periodically called as long as switch condition is true
  • script is stopped and disabled if it misbehaves (too long runtime, error in code, low memory)
Script interface definition

Every script must include a return statement at the end, that defines its interface to the rest of OpenTX code. This statement defines:

Example (interface only):
local function init_func()

local function run_func()

return { run=run_func, init=init_func }
  • local variables retain their values for as long as the model is loaded regardless of switch condition value
Advanced example (save as /SCRIPTS/FUNCTIONS/cnt-down.lua)

The script below is an example of customized countdown announcements. Note that the init function determines which version of OpenTX is running and sets the unit parameter for playNumber() accordingly.

local lstannounce
local target

local running = false

local duration = 120 -- two minute countdown
local announcements = { 120, 105, 90, 75, 60, 55, 50, 45, 40, 35, 30, 29, 28, 27, 26, 25, 24, 23, 22, 21, 20, 19, 18, 17, 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0}
local annIndex

local minUnit

local function init()
  local version = getVersion()
  if version < "2.1" then
    minUnit = 16 -- must be running OpenTX 2.0
    minUnit = 23

local function run()

  local timenow = getTime() -- 10ms tick count
  local remaining
  local minutes
  local seconds

  if not running then
    running = true
    target = timenow + (duration * 100)
    annIndex = 1

  remaining = math.floor(((target - timenow) / 100) + .7) --  +.7 adjust for announcement lag

  if remaining < 0 then
    running = false -- we were 'paused' and missed zero

  while remaining < announcements[annIndex] do
    annIndex = annIndex + 1 -- catch up in case we were paused

  if remaining == announcements[annIndex] then
    minutes = math.floor(remaining / 60)
    seconds = remaining % 60
    if minutes > 0 then
      playNumber(minutes, minUnit, 0)
    if seconds > 0 then
      playNumber(seconds, 0, 0)
    annIndex = annIndex + 1

  if remaining <= 0 then
    running = false


return { init=init, run=run }